Our People

Louise Thompson , Centre Manager - Certificated teacher

Kia Ora. I am Louise and I have been Centre Manager at Pascals for two years now. Pascals is a lovely centre. We are small, where our relationships with our children and family’s matter. 

I have been in education for about 30 years now and am passionate that our children are all well cared for, nurtured to become confident learners and thrive.

I have three children of my own who I enjoy spending time with following their own individual interests.  Children are often our greatest teachers and I have learned so much both from my own children and the families I work with.

Pauline Shadwell , Non Certificated Teacher

Kia ora, Ko Pauline ahau, I am teacher across all rooms at Pascals supporting breaks and non-contact time three days a week.

Originally from Scotland I immigrated to Christchurch in 2000 and live with my husband and two daughters.

In my spare time I enjoy going family 4-wheel driving, socialising and generally running around after my kids.

I consider the most important thing for a teacher is to engage, be warm, loving and understanding with children.

Larissa Devine, Centre Cook

Kia ora, Ko Larissa ahau I have been working at Pascals for the past 6 years, prior to this I managed a busy restaurant in Christchurch.

I live Christchurch my partner and 2 sons’. I really enjoy my job; the best part is creating a menu in line with the healthy heart guidelines which children will enjoy and keep them sustained for their preschool day.

From time to time, I get the opportunity to work alongside the children in the classroom, I enjoy this time because it strengthens the relationships, I have with them.

In my spare in enjoy playing pool and enter many competitions across the country.

Louise Boyle, Centre Administrator

Hi, I’m Louise and I am the centre administrator at Pascals. 

I am from Scotland and been in Christchurch for the past 9 years and live with my partner and 2 boys, Charlie and Darragh who both attend Pascals. 

I love being part of early childhood and seeing how children grow and develop in this environment.

In my spare time, I enjoy being active, playing netball and spending time with the family.

Rehana Ali, Assistant Manager

Kia ora, my name is Rehana Ali and I am married to Azam Ali.

I have three kids, two boys and a girl and I am from Fiji Islands.

I am Assistant Manager at Pascals. I joined Early Childhood Education in 2008, completed my Bachelor of Teaching in 2010 and have been teaching ever since.

As a teacher my passion is to support and provide a curriculum that is inclusive for each and individual child so that they feel valued, respected, and develop to their full potential. Outside work, I love travelling, gardening, and spending time with my whānau and friends. I enjoy working with all ages, looking forward to getting to know you and your whānau more.

Jan Gardiner, Certificated Teacher

Kia Ora, Ko Jan ahau. 

I am a registered teacher working mainly with the 2–4-year-olds.

With about 25 years’ experience now, I have worked with all ages over the years, and know that each year brings its own unique rewards and challenges. 

I passionately believe in creating a calm respectful environment, working in collaboration with children and their family. All children can achieve if they feel safe, secure in their relationships with others and supported to grow a love of learning. 

My husband and I live on a walnut orchard in Eyrewell, North Canterbury. My family is central to all I do, and we still enjoy family holidays with our children and friends. I love the mountains, skiing, painting, gardening, and sharing ideas to protect the environment.

Katie Huntley, Certificated Teacher

Kia ora! Ko Katie Huntley ahau and I work in the Rauhī room here at Pascals St Albans.

I am a Cantabrian born and bred, and still here living with my husband and cat. In my spare time love to sing, play netball and touch rugby, read books and watch sports.  

I believe that building strong trusting relationships with tamariki and their whānau is the key to creating a sence of whanaungatanga | family in our space. This meaning that tamariki feel free to explore, grow and learn in a space where they are cared for and respected as individuals creating authentic learning opportunities for each one of them.  

Tricia Wells, Non Certificated Teacher

Hi I'm Tricia.  Most of my working life has been teaching with preschoolers. 

Outside of work I enjoy involvement in my church and have over recent years been in 6 shows of community amateur dramatics. Lots of fun.

I have a beautiful Welsh springer spaniel. Lately I have enjoyed making pottery and pastel art works. I'm happy in my work.

Audrey Stone
Audrey Stone, Team leader - Kumanu room

Kia ora whanau, I have been working in early childhood since 2008 and have a bachelor’s in teaching in Early Childhood. Although I love working and interacting with all ages, I specialize in nursery where I have spent thirteen years.

I believe every child needs to be loved, nurtured and valued so they feel safe and have confidence to try new experiences that empower them through their lifetime. As a Kaiako, building strong relationships with Tamariki and their whanau is vital to being an effective and responsive teacher.

I am married to Darren and together we have a small farm in Ohoka where we have an orchard, vegetable gardens and stock. I also have three older teenagers Jeffery, Kaitlyn and Jessica. We lead a very busy but content and happy life. In my spare time I love to read, go camping at the beach and have coffee with friends.

I always engage to form a close relationship with whanau so please come and introduce yourself and have a chat with me. I would love to hear your family values and aspirations for your child so together we can build a firm foundation for your child to grow and learn from.

Yi Chen
Yi Chen, Certificated Teacher

Kia ora, I'm Yi. I work in the Kumanu room (the nursery) at Pascals St Albans.

My family moved to New Zealand in 2017 and I have been working as a qualified and registered ECE teacher since then. I love working with infants and toddlers, to build strong bonds with them and support their growth and development and help them become confident learners in the future.  
